Story 5: The Didgeridoo and Sanshi the Japanese Macaque Monkey

The key takeaways of the story:

  1. Learning a new instrument can be really hard, you might cry at some stage from frustration but if you really like the sound of the instrument, don’t give up. Find another way!

  2. There is not one way of learning how to play an instrument, sometimes it’s with a music teacher, and sometimes it’s watching tutorials on Youtube.

  3. Don’t be afraid of reaching out to people who can help you, if you don’t try, you will never get help but if you do you might be surprised of the result.


Taiyo, the little penguin, was eager to learn how to play his freshly painted didgeridoo properly. He tried playing it the same way he used to play his fake one, but it just didn't sound like when Eckybow, the Thorny Devil Lizard, played it. Frustrated, he wondered how Eckybow managed to make such beautiful sounds.

Daddy Penguin, who was definitely not a musician, tried to lift his morale: "Taiyo, in our family we always try winging it!"

His friends noticed his struggle and decided to help. They surprised him with a 3-day course with a master didgeridoo player for his birthday. Taiyo was both hopeful and a little scared, as he had never had a music teacher before.

Before the course, his mom took him to a sound healing session featuring didgeridoos. Taiyo was mesmerized and realized that music could be used for healing, in addition to making people smile. He became even more excited to learn how to play properly.

The day of the course arrived, and the teacher explained that you had to breathe and blow into the didgeridoo at the same time. Taiyo tried and tried, blowing so hard that his cheeks turned red and he almost passed out from lack of breath. "How can you breathe and blow at the same time?" he kept saying. Disappointed and overwhelmed, Taiyo cried and left the course.

Back at home, his mom reminded him of a Japanese YouTuber named Sanshi, a Macaque Monkey who was great at playing the didgeridoo and provided clear instructions. Taiyo's spirits lifted, and he began watching Sanshi's videos and practicing circular breathing daily.

After some time, Taiyo made progress, but there were still a few things he couldn't quite grasp. 

‘Why don’t you call Sanshi?’ offered his mum.

‘But mum, I can’t, he is a famous YouTuber.’ replied the little Fairy Penguin.

‘Why don’t you try anyway, what do you have to lose? Don’t be afraid of reaching out to people who can help you, if you don’t try, you will never get help but if you do you might be surprised of the results! Said his mum with an encouraging look.

Nervous at first, Taiyo hesitated but finally agreed. His mum found Sanshi's phone number and called him. After explaining Taiyo's situation, she passed the phone to her son.

At first, Taiyo was scared, but as soon as they began discussing music, the conversation became enjoyable. Taiyo and Sanshi kept in touch, and Sanshi even sent Taiyo a didgeridoo holder to make it easier for him to play.

Inspired by his conversations with Sanshi, Taiyo not only improved his didgeridoo skills but also decided to start his own YouTube channel to help others learn the instrument. He called it "Didgeridoo Station" and had a blast creating videos and sharing them online.

[Clifhanger 1] One day, while Taiyo was uploading a new video, he received an unexpected message that would change everything. Little did he know, a new adventure was just around the corner…

Questions before falling asleep, to encourage your kids to imagine themselves in Taiyo’s shoes

  1. What is the easiest way to learn how to play an instrument?

  2. Have you had the same experience as Taiyo with a music teacher?

  3. What did you think of Sanshi’s help? Would you call a YouTuber or a music teacher?

  4. Which YouTuber do you enjoy for music?

Original Videos:


This is just a draft, I am not a writer but I welcome your opinions below to help me write a children's book that can truly inspire children to find their passion for music and start playing in the streets for everyone's enjoyment.


Story 6: The Day I Cried for the Last Time Playing on the Street (v2)


Story #4: How I Transformed a Trunk into an Incredible Music Instrument (v2)