Story #1: The Musical Awakening of a Little Penguin Like no Other

The Key Takeaway of the Story: 

Your parents won’t see your passion at first, but your body, and your senses will tell you. You won’t know but you will just do it: no need for instruments, you will make it up. Then people around you will start sensing it and give you toys related to your interest, your passion


Once upon a time, in the sunny little town of Manly, Australia, there was a little fairy penguin named Taiyo. Taiyo's story began even before he hatched, as he listened to the lively rhythm of salsa music inside his egg. His penguin parents weren't musicians themselves, but they had their moments. His penguin mom sang when she was happy, and his penguin dad loved to take her out dancing salsa on special occasions.

Taiyo was a curious and energetic little penguin. Before he could even walk, he'd waddle around the kitchen, picking up chopsticks with his beak and using them to drum on pots and pans while his mum was cooking. The sound of Taiyo's makeshift drum set filled the house with a joyful noise. Taiyo’s dad couldn’t help sharing a penguin daddy joke: "What's a pot and pan's favourite type of music? Kitchen beat!"

However, his parents didn't realize that their little penguin was already passionate about music. They simply thought that Taiyo liked making noise, like most baby animals. But soon, they realized that every time he went to his friends' houses, he would play with their musical instruments. At his friend Noah's house, there was especially a djembe that Taiyo couldn't stop hitting. When Noah the prairie dog moved back to the USA, he gave the djembe to Taiyo. Taiyo was 10 months old... he still has that djembe today!

Gradually, his parents and the people around him began to notice Taiyo's interest and showered him with gifts that fueled his musical passion.

At 18 months, to celebrate his first migration to Japan to visit Gichan and Babachan (Grandpa and Grandma in Japanese), his mum and dad decided to buy him a plastic drum set. When Taiyo saw the gift, his eyes lit up and the biggest smile spread across his face. As he started to play, the sound of the drums shook the entire house. Taiyo's father joked, "Our house now has a built-in earthquake detector!" Unfortunately, Taiyo's neighbours, three energetic crabs, destroyed his drum set by hitting it with all their strength. Taiyo fell asleep crying that night

As Taiyo continued to show his love for music, he received even more toy instruments, not real ones, but almost... For example, he got a fake didgeridoo from a tourist souvenir shop. "What do you call a fake didgeridoo?" asked Papa Penguin. "A did'ntgeridoo!"

Even though he didn't have many toys, soon, Taiyo's room was filled with instruments, including a small guitar, a plastic microphone that echoed his voice, and a roll-up electronic piano given by his aunt. His parents couldn't help but notice their son's growing love for music.

However, the electronic piano quickly disappeared after Mama and Papa Penguin could no longer bear the cacophony of experimental melodies Taiyo played. When Taiyo asked his father where his piano had gone, his father replied, "Your piano went to jail because it was caught playing in the wrong key!"

As Taiyo continued to explore his musical calling, his parents finally understood that their little penguin had a true passion for music. They knew they didn't need sophisticated instruments to nourish Taiyo's love for music. Instead, they encouraged him to follow his heart and make music in his own way. And with every beat and strum, Taiyo brought joy and happiness to everyone around him.

One day, something unexpected happened while Taiyo was walking with his mom. When he heard a few notes, his eyes widened, and he was startled. Little did he know this was just the beginning of an incredible musical adventure.

Questions before falling asleep, to encourage your kids to imagine themselves in Taiyo’s shoes

  • Ask your parents about the fun things you did as a baby or toddler that make them realize now that you had a passion.

  • Do you remember the toy musical instruments you had? Who gave them to you? What happened to those toys?

    Original videos:

  • Jouer sur des pots

  • Didgeridoo


This is just a draft, I am not a writer but I welcome your opinions below to help me write a children's book that can truly inspire children to find their passion for music and start playing in the streets for everyone's enjoyment


Story #2: The Call from the Street: Magicians of Music (v3)


#0: Why this book?